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Barbara Alaniz
3rd Grade Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Glenda Anders
Child Nutrition Director
Catrina Anderson
Elementary School Principal
April Atwell
High School Paraprofessional
479.521.2366 x 128
Stephanie Baker
High School Principal
479.521.2366 x 128
Alan Barton
Director of Operations
479-521-2366, ext 3
Paula Bonner
Career and Technical Education Teacher
479.521.2366 x 120
Justin Bramall
Ag, Construction Tech
479.521.2366 x 120
Carolyn Brooks
High School Math
479.521.2366 x 128
Tyler Buchanan
Special Education Teacher
Colleen Campos
6th Grade Science and Social Studies
479.521.2366 x 128
Denise Cartwright
Physical Education
479.521.2366 x 128
Heather Cheevers
Director of Support Services
479.521.2366 x 151
Amanda Creamer
College and Career Coach
479.521.2366 x 120
Joyce Cumbie
1st Grade Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Katie Dennis
Elementary Paraprofessional
479.521.2366 x 137
Wendy Dewar
3rd Grade Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Kevin Dickard
Director of Transportation
Susan Dickard
District Substitute